Monday, February 27, 2006

Later, Losers

Sorry about the title, but it's the new catch phrase around our office. A team member's kid got in trouble at day care for calling another kid a "loser." Specifically, it was "You're a loser." No one seems to know where she picked it up, but the thought of a three year old calling another toddler a loser makes us all crack up. I don't know where girls pick up their cattiness, but it must be learned at an early age. Anyway, everyone is now a loser at least several times a day. Especially when you're leaving for the day. It's typically, "Later, losers."

And that phrase applies to me, cause I'm outta here for a bit. Wife and I are in the Cayman Islands for a bit. Ya'll have to find another blog to kick around and get your giggles from cause I'll be here. Yes, they have a webcam (though it seemed snafu to me) and a blog. If you see a pix or a post of a happy camper with a book, snorkel equipment and a beer (though not necessarily in that order), it'll probably be me.

So like all tv shows, here are a few reruns to hold you over until we start live production again. Are these "Best of?" That would seem to imply it was ever good. Let's call it "Classic t2ed." You really want the new stuff, but you'll have to suck on this while it's the only thing available.

That's about 1 a day. Try to ration yourself. Extended exposure to genius may result in mental burning. Yeah, genius. Heh. If that's the "good stuff" stay far away from the shitty stuff! Try not to burn through them all at once. Savor every word. Enjoy both the musical entendres and boobie references. Pace yourself.

Or just gorge on them all like it's the entire box of Snackwells we know you ate when you were feeling depressed about your diet.

Later, losers.


Kim said...

The Caymans? Didn't you just get back from somewhere? That's not fair.

Have a good time I guess. I mean, as good a time as you can thinking of me sitting here in ol' Virginia freezing to death...

Kate the Peon said...

Have a wonderful time, Loser.

Kate the Peon said...

Aren't you back YET?

kris said...

Seriously. It has been a LONG TIME.

Kim said...

It HAS been a long time. Please tell me he isn't the next Natalie Holloway...

I just know some cute little Dutch boy lured him off.

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