Friday, February 17, 2006

Nice Ice, Baby

That "Fierce Winter Storm" which "Sweeps Across Midwest?" Yeah, it's still sweeping across my ass right now.

Really wild weather. Rain, sleet, snow and thunder and lightning. We had everything but a deluge of frogs. They're full of shit though. We didn't have any 60 mph wind. As the night got colder, a lot of branches came down and knocked out power. . Flickers most of the night. Luckily it didn't seem to go out for good until about 9. Wife and I were able to see who got the ousting on Survivor so life is good in that regard. After a lil loving, we slept like newborns. What else was there to do?

Sadly, no power this morning when we woke up. Candlelight showering is not to be missed. And also a great excuse not to shave. Lots of ladies in hats walking around Virtucon today. Among those who could be bothered to come in of course. We're at probably 1/2 of our personnel. One of our corporate buildings is even closed. Unfortunately, I'm not lucky enough to be toiling for the man in that building. But, knock on wood, at least we have heat in my building.

Current estimates are for power to be restored Sunday. I'm not sure how you estimate a 48 hour repair time for power restoration. "Ummm, how's two days for you? Two days good?" I don't think I can do the humpty dance for 48 hours but if there's nothing else to do, there's nothing else to do. Luckily, it's supposed to get to 8 tonight so there's plenty of incentive for shared bodily warmth.

It's crap weather like this that really makes you envy the lucky stiffs who get to go to Spring Training. I can honestly say this is the most I've ever thought about the weather in my entire life.

Don't worry, kids. I'm sure I'll be back to my normal craptacular topics come Monday. Maybe something crazy will happen in Ohio or another Bush executive will go on a five state killing spree. Keep your fingers crossed. And for those of you on the East Coast, enjoy!


Diamond said...

Sorry to hear about your power hon! We lost ours for most of the day yesterday. Wind was so bad it tore my screen door right off the front of the house. Then it snowed like a bitch last night. Not too bad today - we're up to 10 at least and the sun is shining.

Hope all gets MUCH better for you soonest!!!!!!

kris said...

Is it wrong that I picture you and your wife having cybersex? Weird.

kris said...

Oh, that last comment was on the heels of "After a little lovin'" . . .

t2ed said...

Debby: We got our power back late Saturday. We spent Friday night at a hotel and Saturday huddled around my in-laws gas fireplace. There were something like 100,000 people without power in Michigan over the weekend.

Kris: Yes, that's wrong, very wrong.