Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Top Ten Signs Your Baseball Team Isn't Ready for the New Season

Thanks to their amazingly bad start to the new season, this one goes out to the Motor City Kitties. No team that has ever started 0-7 has ever gone to the World Series. Ouch.

I should have known something was up this year when they were loading Briggs and Riley luggage on the team bus instead of equipment bags.

Bless you, Mr. Letterman.

Top Ten Signs Your Baseball Team Isn't Ready for the New Season

10. Last night your designated hitter needed a designated driver

9. Manager only calls the bullpen to discuss "American Idol"

8. Instead of Gatorade, players cool down with gravy

7. Outfielders move around in motorized rascal scooters

6. Billy Crystal is your lead off hitter. Carol Channing bats second

5. Team is 1,000-to-1 to win the World Series, 2-to-1 to join the cast of "Hairspray"

4. Isiah Thomas predicts you'll go all the way

3. Skipped Spring training to follow Hannah Montana tour

2. Players are jamming things in their ass, but they ain't needles

1. Hillary Clinton says attending your games is worse than going to war in Bosnia


Elsa said...

Gotta love Letterman's Top 10.

Don't fret about Detroit Tigers...they put together a decent team (at least in terms of $$) and they still have 155 games left. Let's just hope they don't start winning until after playing the series with the Red Sox :)

Anonymous said...

"The entire cast of the High School Musical series is actually in their 40's."

Is that their IQ's. I'm laughing thinking about folks my age doing that stuff, trying to get their head in the game 'cuz they're all in this together.

Anonymous said...