Monday, January 23, 2006

Dangerously Hot Crotches

According to someone in Chicago, wearing corduroy pants with vertical piping can result in DANGEROUSLY HOT CROTCHES.

As I've recently been playing Guitar Hero and trying to pick a name for my band, this really hits home. Historically, the name for my band (not that I ever had one or would ever have one) was T-Bag T2ed and the Bag 'O Tricks. Yes, this is a bag joke about tea-bagging. This mythical band name is immediately being retired and replaced with Dangerously Hot Crotches.

I don't know why that phrase sounds so perfect to me. It's like some primal calling. It's bouncing around in my head--Dangerously Hot Crotches, Dangerously Hot Crotches, Dangerously Hot Crotches.

Also, I'm figuring that all searches for Dangerously Hot Crotches will now come here directly because I've used the phrase Dangerously Hot Crotches more times than a used car commercial. C'mon down to Dangerously Hot Crotches because we've got the most Dangerously Hot Crotches in the tri-state region! If you can't find the Dangerously Hot Crotch you're looking for on our Dangerously Hot Crotch lot, I'll give you a free cap that says "I Can't Find a Dangerously Hot Crotch."

But seriously, no one should be wearing cords regardless of their Dangerously Hot Crotch fixation.


Kate the Peon said...

That's where you're wrong - cords are so, like, back in now.

t2ed said...

I seriously don't think I've seen a cord in years.

Although I do remember reading an article about horizontal cords and thinking "yeah it's was the direction of the cords that's the problem."

Anonymous said...

I had a pair of fuschia horizontal bell bottomed cords when I was 7. I thought I was soo cool.