Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Baby Got Back

Man, I got nothing today. Other than an ill-formed, half-assed, not even good enough for a cocktail napkin anecdote about the wee one and some hijinks he got up to.

So take a Bob & Tom song in the interim.

There's something that I'd really like to say
I'm glad that we're together every day
I wanted you to know
I've always got your back
And I"ll be right here behind you all the way.

I'm your butt crack
I'm your butt crack
Between your buns is where I'll always be
I'm soaking up the shade
Down where the fudge is made
I'm your butt crack
That's me

A butt crack comes in handy, I'm not kidding
I do my best to keep your sphincter hidden
Sorry 'bout those skid marks inside your BVD's
Last night you ate burritos
Too bad you had to sneeze

I'm your butt crack
I'm your butt crack
That pungent part of your anatomy
Something everybody's got
Some are hairy, some are not
I'm your butt crack
That's me

The aperture that's in your tush
Where the sun don't shine
The gap in your gluteous maximus
That's the bottom line

I'm your butt crack
I'm your butt crack
I could use a change of scenery
I'm the crevice in your tail
I'd be popular in jail

I'm your butt crack
He's your butt crack
I'm your butt crack
That's me
Life sure is sweet
in the middle of your seat


foundinidaho said...

I listen to a lot of Bob and Tom and I've NEVER heard that song. I think that's a good thing.

Rox said...

Who are Bob and Tom? Are they like Bob and Doug McKenzie? Koo-roo-koo-koo...

/Canadian off