Friday, October 07, 2005

Nick Cage Loses It

If you hadn't heard, Nicolas Cage and his second wife just had a baby boy. While that's all fine and dandy, they named the new son....wait for it...make sure you're sitting down....Kal-el.

No, that's not a typo. It's Kal-freaking-el as in the real name of Superman. Yup, while he was still a little boy on Krypton (before it blew up) that was his name. You may remember some of this crap if you saw the very first movie with Christopher Reeve as Superman -- the one with Brando.

I didn't know that old Nickie boy wanted to play Superman in the upcoming remake. The theory is that since he didn't get the part, he named his kid after him. Kind of like how when he didn't get to be Elvis, he married Lisa Marie Presley. And that worked out really well...for about four months anyway.

I hope for young Kal-el Coppola Presley that he really is the Man of Steel. Because I've got a feeling that the many schoolyard beatings to follow are going to let him know just how mortal he really is.

1 comment:

kris said...

I think you've mixed this up. Didn't he name his child after that Israeli airline?