Monday, October 17, 2005

Abstinence Club

Students from Princeton University have started a group called The Anscombe Society. These losers are actually promoting chastity in college.

Named after Elizabeth Anscombe a Cambridge University professor of Philosophy who was staunchly Catholic and argued for the Church's teachings on sex and abstinence in Contraception and Chastity. Bet that's a swell read.

Yep, that's Elizabeth Anscombe over there. Good looking gal, isn't she? How come the people who argue for chastity are probably the ones who really don't have to worry about that issue ever coming up. It doesn't look to me like Liz is going to have a full dance card.

Remembering how often I stuck out with coeds while I was college and had chastity forced upon me, I don't really think they need a group to promote it.

Another name for the group could be "Don't Invite Us To Your Party."

More of this silliness is at Yahoo.

Quote of the story: "You don't just have sex to have sex." Yeah, there's smoking in the dark afterwards, the guilt, lying to your friends and then that awkward moment when you run into each other later.

It might be nice to visit Cambridge, read old Liz's stuff and then head on over to the London Academy of Sex & Relationships just for the juxtaposition.

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