That someone would willingly squander $15 on almost 4 cents worth of merchandise got me thinking. Why can't I get in on the Chia Scam? I've got bad ideas all the time.
My idea -- Chia Ass. It combs with a little tiny comb so you can style the ass hair as it grows out on the cheeks.
But then my secretary had an even better idea--the Chia Groin. Available in both a men's and women's version, you can do your own "landscaping" to make any type of attractive patch you'd like. Not available in Brasil.
You just know these products will set off the religous right. And that means free publicity for the product. These are going to go like hotcakes, kids.
But now I've got that ch-ch-ch-ch-ia jingle stuck in my head. That's got to go.
And now a Chia Haiku:
Will this get rich quick scheme work?
Please give me your cash.
Happy New Year!!
LMFAO - I want me a chia groin - male please so I can style it and then see if the old man gets any ideas!!
That's a spankin' idea.
I could model for it, if you want.
First of all, I've always wanted a Chia Pet. But it was one of those things that someone had to give to you, you can't buy it for yourself.
I think your new line of Chia's have potential, but I can forsee some backlash with the Chia groin. How many lonely bachelors out there would stick their you know what's in the earth and get ring worm or some sort of soil-borne ailment?
The lawyers would be LINING up man.
Happy New Year! Funny post as always.
True story...
At the company Christmas party, my boss who is a total assbag,(He rivals TO) suggested they should make a pubic hair chia pet.
Gee, I hope my boss doesn't write a blog under the name T2.
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