Wednesday, December 28, 2005

But Where's the Gigantic Snow Penis?

You can tell it's still a pretty slow news week because crap like this is still making it into the media. Yup, it's another Xmas display.

This 20 foot tall snowman (check out the house for some perspective) is in Akron, Ohio. For the geographically challenged, that's in the Northeastern part of the state.

I don't know where folks get the time to do this kind of stuff. It's all I can do to get packages wrapped and show up for work.

Now I've got relatives and friends who still live in Akron. And I can tell you one thing I know for certain, liquor was involved.

But if my relatives had pulled this caper off, a baseball bat would have been involved instead of those coal buttons.


Diamond said...

Add in a few beer cans and a giant doobie hanging out of its mouth, and it could be in one of my relative's yards. LMAO

Spinning Girl said...

The gigantic reindeer in my neighbor's yard would be the perfect acoutrement to that.
They are so big, they could peek in the 2nd floor windows.

t2ed said...

I really wish I had gigantic reindeer to scare my neighbors.

Anonymous said...

I used to have a giant reindeer in my front yard. It was a land mark for a former beau.