Thursday, April 27, 2006

Call Me, Call Me, Any, Anytime

There's a new phone that Motorola has patented which all the swinging chicks will have to have.
They're calling it a "therapeutic vibrating phone."

I'm calling it something that will require a repeating speed dial function and is sure to put you over your minutes.

Never underestimate the power of "therapy" to sell products and services. Glad to know we've cured cancer, pulled the troops out of Iraq and solved world hunger so we can work on the things that really matter--vibrating phones. Bless you Motorola.


Elsa said...

Too funny!

Maybe Carl Levin might want to proprose a bill restricting the use of this phone to those that are old enough to, um, use it.

Angie T said...

Yes, our priorities as a society are right where they should be. Just yesterday the Chicago City Council banned foie gras because "we're a civilized society." All while kids are shooting eachother in our streets.