Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Gravity is a Harsh Mistress

I fell on Sunday. I mean, I really fell.

Bought a paper and headed outside to the sidewalk, hit a patch of ice and completely sprawled. We're talking "Man Down." It had everthing but a tipped over walker and someone yelling, "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up."

Quickly looking around to see if anyone noticed my clumsiness, I limped to my car and drove away.

Went to the doctor yesterday and she said nothing seemed too out of whack. "Yup, that's a sprained leg all right." She did prescribe muscle relaxers seemingly powerful enough to drop a horse into a coma. Good times. I swear I woke up in exactly the same position I fell asleep.

Now I'm forced to walk around like Festus from Gunsmoke.

Hope I'm on the mend soon. Glad I joined the gym and now and an official medical reason to blow off working out.

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