Thursday, April 13, 2006

Happy Pagan Chicken Embryo Day

I'm outta here tomorrow thanks to the benevolent taskmasters at my appointed toil. Yes, we actually get Friday off.

We are given respite to enjoy the rebirth of nature in the Great Grey North. That means the huge piles of snow in the corners of all the parking lots are finally melting.

Just a bit of advice.

If you're going to hide eggs, make sure you count how many you hid. Otherwise, you'll have another hunt in a few months. But this one you'll do mostly with your nose.

Now where did all those Peeps go?


Angie T said...

I have a friend who throws this awesome Easter party (I'm missing it because I'm in my hometown) where we get drunk, watch the 10 Commandments and make fun of it. Prizes are awarded to the best jokes made at key scenes, and we sacrifice Peeps in the microwave to mark the end of gathering.

K said...

This cartoon is awesome. Your blog is pretty damn hilarious.

Thanks so much for the visit to mine and the nice comment. I really appreciate it. It's cool to get a word of praise from someone with such great style.