Wednesday, November 16, 2005

If Theo Isn't Happy

I'm kind of worried about this. While I was abroad, Theo Epstein quit his job as General Manager of the Red Sox.

Theo was a life long Sox fan, got to be the youngest GM in the history of baseball and the youngest GM to ever assemble a World Series champion. Can you really fathom being a lifelong fan and then getting to run the organization you love? All the times you watched some sporting team, complained about how the fucker in charge couldn't find their ass with two hands, then you got handed the reins. You got to call the shots and make all the decisions. And you were succesful.

Then you walk away from it all.

Ow, this may be hitting me harder than the Jen/Brad break up. If Theo isn't happy at work, what chance does any of us have? Ouch.

That being said, I still don't think I could do any worse a job with the Lions than Matt Millen.

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